Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Misterious Songs !!

1. Requiem For A Tower - Clint Mansell
The man responsible for last week’s twin atrocities in Norway, listened to haunting violin-led piece 'Lux Aeterna' by Clint Mansell, formerly of indie band Pop Will Eat Itself on his iPod during his hour and a half long shooting spree at a youth camp last Friday (July 22).

'Lux Aeterna' – meaning 'eternal light' - was originally written for the soundtrack of 2000 film Requiem For A Dream, and the stirring piece of music has since been used on The X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent as well as in the trailer for The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers, after being renamed 'Requiem For A Tower'.

Before his firearms attack, right wing extremist Anders Breivik wrote about the song online, saying: "I've listened to this track several hundred times and I never seem to get tired of it. It is very inspiring and invokes a type of passionate rage within you."

2. Gloomy Sunday - Rezso Seress
The original title of this song is Szomorú Vasárnap or in the English can be interpreted as a dark Sunday. This song lyric is taken from the poerty of poet Lazlo Javor created in 1933 and composed by Rezső Seress the Hungarian nationality. This song tells about someone who committed suicide becausaher lover left dead. And surprise again, after the song was released, lover Lazlo revoke his life with a letter that read "Gloomy Sunday"

Here are the lyrics in Hungarian :

Szomorú Vasárnap
Szomorú vasárnap száz fehér virággal
Vártalak kedvesem templomi imával
Álmokat kergető vasárnap délelőtt
Bánatom hintaja nélküled visszajött
Azóta szomorú mindig a vasárnap
Könny csak az italom kenyerem a bánat…
Szomorú vasárnap
Utolsó vasárnap kedvesem gyere el
Pap is lesz, koporsó, ravatal, gyászlepel
Akkor is virág vár, virág és - koporsó
Virágos fák alatt utam az utolsó
Nyitva lesz szemem hogy még egyszer lássalak
Ne félj a szememtől holtan is áldalak…
Utolsó vasárnap
— László Jávor original Hungarian version

and in english :
Gloomy Sunday
Gloomy Sunday with a hundred white flowers
I was waiting for you my dearest with a prayer
A Sunday morning, chasing after my dreams
The carriage of my sorrow returned to me without you
It is since then that my Sundays have been forever sad
Tears my only drink, the sorrow my bread…
Gloomy Sunday
This last Sunday, my darling please come to me
There’ll be a priest, a coffin, a catafalque and a winding-sheet
There’ll be flowers for you, flowers and a coffin
Under the blossoming trees it will be my last journey
My eyes will be open, so that I could see you for a last time
Don’t be afraid of my eyes, I’m blessing you even in my death…
The last Sunday

there are some cases which is about 200 cases of suicideworldwide is estimated to relate to this song. Many famous singers who have sung this song a lot like Bjork, Portishead, Sarah Brightman, Sarah McLahlan, which is still much more. However, the most famous version of this song is the version sung by Billie Holliday in 1941.

However, Rezso, this songwriter claims that the rise of this songmakes it a very sad because he thought that he would nevermake another song that will be as famous as this. Then in 1968, he committed suicide by jumping from the eighth floor of a building in Budapest. However, he still persist after this incident, and eventually he died of suicide by using a wire strangle himself to death. Then, the song is strictly prohibited to broadcast.

3. Reverse - Karl Mayer
"Karlmayer is the voice / symphony / music that can effect the human brain.'s Voice can be said to destroy the human mentaland makes people crazy.'s Voice is "sound pollution" or a noisysound and create a headache. There is no supernatural elementat all in the this sound. Depending on the "a magical" what thinking people who listen to this voice.

Possible impact are as follows:
1. earache, This most often occurs
2. dizziness
3. stored in the brain, This quite often happens
4. become paranoid
5. crazy
6. not happens

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